Communication and Prevention
Oral health communication and prevention in our environment.
Prevention plan
in companies.

Free check-up
A free check-up contributes to cavities risk control as well as detection of periodontal illnesses, bruxism, precancerous manifestations or early mouth cancer. These actions allow us to prevent and solve possible oral illnesses.
Prevention workshops
These are conducted by a either a dentist or an oral hygienist and they are addressed to the company staff to prevent oral illnesses and foresee infections leading to further pathologies.
Prevention Plan
for Children

Visiting Schools
Practical workshop conducted by an oral hygienist at the school premises. A notebook is given to the students for classwork.
Visiting a dental clinic
Visiting and associated dental clinic. The notebook Juguemos (Let’s Play)is given together with the short story Amigos para Siempre (Friends forever) explaining everything kids need to know about how to use the toothbrush and the toothpaste.
Activity proposed by the Education Department in Terrassa City hall: El dentista, mi amigo. (The Dentist, My Friend). This activity focuses on communicating with the local schools. 26 schools with 2700 students have taken part in the activity until December 2020.
Prevention for the Elderly

Free check-up
Free check-up to help people enjoy a healthy aging by eliminating situations in which pain, illness or infection may arise.
Prevention Workshop
Practical workshop conducted by a dentist or hygienist to explain oral illnesses typical in the elderly population, oral hygiene and prosthesis maintenance. This activity takes place in elderly people houses, day centres and homes. Attendees are presented with an oral hygiene kit.
Prevention in sports
people performance.

Free check-up
This free check-up allows cavity prevention, periodontal illness, bruxism, precancerous injuries and early mouth cancer detection. This helps prevent and treat posible mouth illnesses.
Prevention Workshop
Practical workshop conducted by a dentist to promote a safer sport practice by offering tools in order to take the necessary actions to improve their performance and prevent posible oral illnesses.
Oral health prevention in adults
with physcal, mental or sensory disability.

Practical Workshop
Practical workshop conducted by a dentist or oral hygienist at the school or work place so as to explain the basic concepts in oral health prevention. A notebook is given to the attendees.
Visiting teh clinics
An associated clinic is visited so that they lose their fear to go to the dentist with the families and educators support and complicity.
The most common issues about
prevention for mothers and fathers.

Practical Workshop
Practical workshop conducted by a dentist or oral hygienist at the school or work place so that both mothers and fathers know the basic concepts in oral health prevention. This way, oral hygiene is encouraged in their children. A notebook for classwork is given to all the attendees.
Activity coordinated by the Parent Association at the schools.
Theatre Activity:
Super Net (Super Clean)

Super Net
A 25-minute activity conducted by a dentist and hygienist for children aged 3-6 years old. They explain how to use the toothbrush, the right amount of toothpaste and how often you should brush your teeth in a funny way.